Blaufränkischland Marathon
Runtime calculator

Running Pace Calculator

With the mileage calculator you can easily calculate your mileage for any distance.

Simply enter the distance and the running time and after clicking on "Calculate pace" you will see both the kilometer average (in min/km) and the running speed (in km/h).

Further below you can see which run time you can reach with this kilometer average over various other running distances.

Running calculator: Calculate mileage

Distance: Miles

Target time: Hours (Format hh:mm:ss)


Pace: in mi/km (Format hh:mm:ss)

Pace: in mi/h

Converted to km, this gives a pace of ? per kilometer.

Running time with a pace of ? min/mi

100 Meters ?
200 Meters ?
400 Meters ?
800 Meters ?
1500 Meters ?
1 Mile ?
3000 Meters ?
2 Miles ?
5000 Meters ?
5 Miles ?
10 km ?
15 km ?
10 Meilen ?
20 km ?
Half marathon ?
15 Miles ?
30 km ?
20 Miles ?
Marathon ?
50 Miles ?
100 km ?
100 Miles ?

Possible distance with a pace of ? min/mi

With a pace of ? you can run in one hour ? miles.

1 Hours ? mi
3 Hours ? mi
6 Hours ? mi
12 Hours ? mi
24 Hours ? mi
1 Week ? mi

Possible applications of the running time calculator

With our running time calculator you can calculate both the kilometer average for a freely selectable running distance, but also the other way around: So you can set any kilometer average and a distance in advance and see what time you could then run over this distance.

So if you think you can run 10 Miles at a pace of 08:15 minutes, you can use our calculator to determine your actual finishing time. Just fill in the fields distance and pace and the result will be displayed in the field finish time.

Which pace should I run?

That depends on the goal, the distance and the current performance. A hobby athlete runs a completely different pace than a top athlete.

In training, the pace for basic runs should be chosen so that you do not overload yourself, but it should also not be a leisurely jog. If you run with heart rate monitoring, then a base range between 70 and 80 percent of maximum heart rate is ideal. In our training plans you will always find exact pace specifications for all running units.

In competitions, of course, you will reach significantly higher heart rates. In a half marathon race you will reach an average heart rate of 87 - 90 percent of the maximum heart rate. The pace for competitions or tempo runs is correspondingly high.

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